Why is a USP important for your club?

A USP is the abbreviation for Unique Selling Point, also known as Unique Selling Proposition. You may think it sounds very "markety", and you would be right, but it is a very important concept for any organisation, including not-for-profit clubs and organisations.

A USP is all about identifying what makes your club stand out from another club in your area, or another competing activity. Setting aside 30 minutes with your management committee to define your USP could provide years of value that will enable you to target the right members and retain your current members. If you spend money on advertising, the following activity could save you money and make your advertising more effective.

Click here to download USP Activity Sheet

If your club is really struggling to identify your stand out points, then consider a survey to members and even the local community.

If your NFP needs marketing assistance, CPR Group's marketing team can chat to you about where your organisation wants to head and possible steps to reach your goals through our range of services.

...from the CPR Group Marketing Team