Be Grant Ready

Be Grant Ready

Too many things to do, not enough time and resources? CPR Group is helping!

Longreach Regional Council has recently commissioned our team to help strategically plan and harness funding opportunities for future development in the region.

We will be consulting local clubs, associations and Council staff to plan and prioritise new initiatives and improvements in organisational service delivery. We will also be assisting local organisations, clubs and Council officers with their grant writing, and training them in preparing competitive funding applications.

Capacity building for grant writing within our community clubs and organisations is important, to share the load and to provide the confidence and drive for committees to be proactive and, most importantly, grant ready. Learning to identify grants and write applications is only a small part of aiming for success —  being prepared is the crucial stage. Our local government and club clients across Queensland and Australia who have attended our grant writing workshops, webinars and training sessions understand that the best approach is to start with the project and not the grant.

Pre-plan > be ready  > find a grant > apply > succeed

Regional Councils often need outside assistance with resourcing such projects and programs. Our team at CPR Group is excited to help plan and deliver new infrastructure, improve existing facilities and provide community based programs which are vital in making our towns and places more liveable and more profitable, to help our communities be healthier and happier.