Let’s look out for each other

Let’s look out for each other

Sport and recreation provides community connectedness. How will your club continue to provide this important service if your operations are limited?

The coming months will place stress on club, association and not-for-profit volunteers and committees. CPR Group is well placed to help you navigate any issues that may arise in dealing with changes to how your organisation operates, including training and competition schedules, risk management and member protection.

Developing meaningful connections with our clients has always been part of our core business. Our well established methods of online delivery for meetings, workshops, training and advice means we can continue to provide support for your organisation during the coming months.

Here is a fact sheet with some simple tips for clubs to keep their members safe, healthy and informed. Please share this with the clubs and volunteers in your networks.

And our Director’s want to share this message with everyone.

If you have any questions or concerns about how recent events may affect your organisation, send us a message, email or give us a call to have a chat.

Ph: (07) 5443 6247

Email: info@cprgroup.com.au