Online meeting tools

Online meeting tools

CPR Group

The evolving coronavirus pandemic and subsequent changes to the way clubs, associations and not-for-profits are operating mean organisations need to look at new ways to stay in touch. Committee meetings, members’ forums and other regular meetings can still happen using online platforms instead of traditional face-to-face meetings.

Your organisation may already be using Facebook to keep members updated and tools such as G Suite for Non-Profits for your email and cloud storage. Did you know you can also use Facebook Messenger, Skype or Zoom (and plenty of others!) for group chats and video conferencing? 

If your organisation doesn’t already use an online platform, tools like Microsoft Teams and Zoho Remotely are offering extended free trial periods to help your committee make the move to an online solution. Committee meetings can be held regularly using such technology, ensuring your organisation continues to comply with the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 and Associations Incorporation Regulation 1999.

As long as all attendees can hear and take part in discussion and debate, a committee meeting held using technology typically constitutes a properly held meeting. Most incorporated association constitutions provide for the use of technology during meetings. Check your constitution to make sure this applies to your club. If not, feel free to get in touch and we can discuss ways to give you this flexibility.

Keep an eye on CPR Group’s facebook page for upcoming webinars and more information.